Monday, November 29, 2004

Almost A Haiku, More Translated Review Poetry

Yeah, yeah, I know there's one more syllable in the second line. Sue me.

The tear does not stop.
Only intolerable feeling
Reading episode, it cried.

Translated Review Poetry

Sometime's life's beautiful, though it doesn't mean to be.

I dedicate this post to Anthony Burgess.

Anyway, here's a little background for this post. The title being reviewed is GunSlinger Girls. It's about school girls who are brainwashed cyber assassins. Only in Japan. Anyway, here's the review, unabridged, translated by Google.

Pleasantly however it is not the volume, 悔 the volume is not (semantic obscurity),

After certainly reading for deeply dark feeling to surge, don't you think? also it is certain
Mental cruelty strong than physical cruelty
With the general people because they are the circumstances which you cannot experience without being understood in the naturally general people, probably will be happy
And such as suffering *
Thinking of those which are basically deeply, you recommend to the person whom we would like to read
Thinking, with any cartoon we would like to read from calling, we do not recommend to the person who takes this book in the hand
To pull to story to by himself would like to reading clearly and be packed and without separating sushi
Mysterious happy shape inside cartoon happiness it is what in us? With you make think
Such a design contrariness darkness whether you fall in love, the しれません

Yeah, baby.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

Evil Old Irish Grandfather

As far as I know, there has never been an evil old Irish grandfather figure. Why is that?

Hell, the Irish are seriously lacking in the villainous departments. Canadians, too, for that matter.

I mean, the Irish have leprechauns. What do Canadians have? Biker gangs? Pshh.

How do Leprechaun get 5 sequels?

Did the story of Leprechaun really need to be told in 5 parts?
What could the remaining 4 need to say that could not be said in the first Leprechaun series?

Peace out.

Friday, November 26, 2004

First Date: Final Contact

No reason for the subtitle, in case you were wondering.

Anyway, I got a date, barring unforeseen circumstances. Her name's Da, and should it develop into anything remotely serious (which I doubt at this point, simply because I am paranoid) we have a good "How we first met" story.

Basically, it was the Royal Winter Fair. We were both covering a Pizza Nova Pizza Making Workshop. Really, it was all about indoctrinating the kids to buy pizza.

They lure the kids with the fun of making pizza, then as a reward/homework for the supposed "educational" qualities of the presentation, they're given a free pizza, a magnet with the Pizza Nova phone number, and some other promotional crap. Really slick, really exploitative.

But anyway, we both checked it out for a while, never bothering to talk to each other. I believe she made the first move. We talked. I discovered that she came from Ryerson as well, though I had never seen her.

Anyway, we rode the subway station/transit car back. On the way, I decided to press the relationship further. Luckily for me, I had something of an aphrodisiac to offer.

"So anyway, I was wondering if I could have your MSN address."
She gave it to me. We talked a bit on MSN. After three times talking, I offered her to join me on a free meal at Joe Bodali's, this nice Italian restaurant. There's a friend of my family that owns the place, and he offered me a free meal.

Hope he remembers. Otherwise, there might be a bit of a jump on the credit card.


Tuesday, November 23, 2004

More Crappy Self Indulgent Poetry

I dreamt of flying

Then the alarm I set woke me up early
So I could get to an English presentation early.
I’d worked on it for about three days straight
And I only got six hours sleep last night.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

My Favorite Shirt

A post fulfilling this site's mission statement.

I have a shirt. It's plain black. It is a shirt handed out to employees of Subway. On it, it says, "Try Our New Pepper Chicken." I bought it from a used clothing store.

Now, I like this shirt because it's drenched in irony.

On one level, there is the irony that I have never worked at Subway, and this is contrasted with the implication that I have this shirt after working there, as many young people my age work in the food services industry.

On the second level, the Pepper Chicken Sub does not exist. It was discontinued many years ago. Thus, no one can try it, and even if they could, it would not be considered to be "new." Hence, irony.

On the third level, I have never eaten a Pepper Chicken sub, so I could not recommend that anyone try it.

It's also comfortable.

New DJs

So I saw this street advertisement for this new DJ something or other, was either Bill or Bob. Seriously, what happened to the quality of ugly rock stars? Used to be, we could point to man-femmes like Mick Jagger, anorexic, pasty, on cocaine, able to count all their ribs, tall, skinny, British skeezes.

Now what do we have? We got nobody, except that Darkness guy, who's a parody of those ugly rock stars. Now, the new ugly rock star is fat, pudgy, middle-aged, balding guys, Moby look alikes with emo t-shirts whose engineering skills make them artists.

Moby or Mick Jagger?

For me, Mick. For most men, Moby.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Feminist Profs: Humorless Yet Decent

My friends, a day which will live in infamy has just been lived. A tragedy of missed opportunities for me - a day which I will surely regret not having seized upon.

Or perhaps I could be telling you that I made a folly of follies, a terrible blunder, a mistake so massive and so impulsive that it would be a wonder that I could retain the necessary brain functions to type out this message.

But lets start from the beginning.

In my first year English class, the teacher assigns us to give projects comparing a book to some other form. Just to make sure we weren't masturbating the entire class, she makes us answer a question that the groups assign. Then, we discuss.

Then we hand them in to the teacher. This is where the story comes in. Every time, just a check. Just a check.

I asked myself a question - does she actually read this? Or does she just skim it, then chuck it? I decided to act upon it.

I'll spare you the full written documents until the end of the post. I answered the questions, but I inserted a statement in the middle of the page. One was Marxist, another advocated Nazism, and another finally asked her if she read them. I hoped to get a response on the last one.

Now, keep in mind, she's the archetypical modern feminist - overeducated, skinny, fashionable, possibly hatred towards men. Distinctly feminist.

Now, evidently, I learned she did read them, in possibly the most uncomfortable situation imaginable.

She called me out. "You're William, right?"

I was William; she was right.

Then she called me, said I wasn't being serious, gave me a zero on the final response where I asked her directly.and that if I ever did that again, I would get no marks on my major presentation.

One thought burned.

"And who says feminists don't have a sense of humour?"

But keep in mind, we did not have a neutral student/professor relationship. No, I did not seduce her, as entrancing a thought as seducing a feminist would be (I am ever so enlightened - hyuk hyuk hyuk). No, she was decent. I missed a lecture - she gave me the video. Then, due to alarm malfunctions, I was late for the midterm. Which she allowed me to write later in the day at another class. At this class I was supposed to return a DVD. I did not. I returned it the next class day. No stink was raised; a courtesy most professional teachers lack.

Humorless yet decent. Perhaps just like Jesus, who never laughed. Read Name of the Rose by Eco. Good book. Adios.

Here's my written responses, complete, and unabridged.

"I don't think so. The problem was that [Septimus] was expressing them too readily. He was becoming overwhelmed by these emotions, and he already had an outlet; his wife, whom he commanded to take down notes in his madness. He was overcome by these emotions, and when the authorities of Holmes and Bradshaw came to take him away, he chose death rather than suppression; his final, poetic act. He could express them readily enough, but he just lacked an audience. Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains. He readily desired an audience, so that someone would listen to him."

The second one had something about Hitler in it, but I crossed it out. Bad taste.

Finally, I decided to skip all this and go straight to the belly of the beast.

"I believe Mrs. Dalloway after the book could have written this. Her denouement is her acceptance of her age and position and that she can't go home (as Thomas something-or-other said.) This would be recollecting upon the events of the past and the blissfulness she has gained. Althouhg I hope you realize that the previous were experiments to obtain an answer to the question that man has asked since we had the capacity for abastract thought or language (it all depends on which philosopher, really) - is anybody listening? Are you reading this? Is this all just an exercise in futility, a college professor giving cursory glances just to make sure a student got his arse out of bed and went to a lecture? In conclusion, Dalloway would be the most apt."


Did you know that Elvis had a stillborn twin brother?

What would have happened if that brother had been born?
What would have happened if that brother had been born instead of the King?

Would the King have become the King had that brother been around?

Would there be the famous Presley Brothers Band, or would they be like one of the less famous Baldwins and Alec Baldwin?

Does any of this matter?

Just a thought.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Old People

Funny guys. Different values. The obscure relatives I'm hanging out with are an interesting bunch of people. Now, the two stories may be one person, may be two. Don't know.

Apparently, there was this old married couple. They were living in an apartment building. However, there was a problem.

According to my old relative, the place was "overrun with Somalis."

What is this, Attack of the Zulu Nation on an apartment complex?

The woman wanted to leave. The man didn't. The man died. She moved out.

It seems to me, that if you go into something deep enough and you become crazy enough, it always comes down to conspiracy. Doesn't matter what, but it's there.

For example, take a conspiracy theory homeless guy and a corrupt leader in that country in which he's leaving. Now, Homeless Guy is convinced that he has all the answers, that he knows how to run the country, and that there is a power block that is preventing him from being all that he can be, so to speak. Likewise, Corrupt Leader is convinced that he has all the answers, that he knows how to run the country, and that there is a power black that is preventing him from being all that he can be, or is attempting to take his rightful power away from him. And then you get dictators. The poor hate the powerful for being powerful while they are powerless; the leader hates the other powerful for being powerful while they are powerless.

If you believe strongly in something, and there's a problem that you can't fix, it has to be a conspiracy. The Communists believed that an American conspiracy was preventing them from becoming powerful. Likewise, when Clinton was in power, the Republicans routinely trashed "the liberal media."

If it's really a conspiracy, and your side is strong enough, start a revolution. If that can't be done, grow your cause, then start a revolution from underneath the conspiracy.

Keep in mind, the conspiracy could all be in your head.

Peace out.

We're Not Sorry! Yeah! Motherfucker!

Re: "The Level of Political Discourse In This Country Is Frightening"

Recently, I pointed out that a conservatives and liberals have differing viewpoints. As a counterpoint, I offer you this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this.

There are some intelligent conservatives. But there are these people, too. Just like there are some ignorant liberals who don't know Bush's policies and just think, "Bush talks stupid. He is bad."

It's late. Me go beddy bye now.

Saturday, November 06, 2004

Zen Jail

How's about this for punishment? Zen jails.

Imagine this. The murderer sees examples of prisoners being let out, and they are clearly happier.

The Warden approaches him, saying: "Look. If you can figure out this riddle, you can go free." He then gives him a koan. If a tree falls in the forest, and no one's around to hear it, etc.

Every day, the prisoner comes back and forth with an answer. He says No. This goes back on and on until the Prisoner finally achieves the Zen achievement of peace and enlightenment. He achieves thinking by not thinking, the enlightenment that happens to Zen monks. He starts to realize that the entire world is an illusion, that there is no answer to this question, just as there is no way out, that his pursuits of sex, violence and drugs are meaningless.

The prisoner does not deny that there is an answer to the koan in his pursuit, because he remembers the prisoner being let out.

The jail cell itself is a perfect example of a Zen atmosphere - no distractions, just simplicity, quietness. Because everyone would be focusing on the koan, trying desparately to achieve freedom.

Combined with psychotherapy, we could have Zen monks who were formerly rapists and child murderers.

But would they achieve enlightenment? Would they fake it? Would they achieve enlightenment, then be pulled back by the flesh? Would they function in the real world? Would they care about freedom? Would they give up, thinking that "I am not one of those men that escaped?"

Perhaps they achieve the enlightenment that the world is an illusion, and their own enlightenment - that morality is an illusion, also. That perhaps, in the world soul, just as we have the bad parts in us, the weaknesses in all of us, they are that part. They are a cancer in the body of the world, which must be excised, rather than being treated.

Murderers who become Zen Monks, or Zen Monk Murder?
Just a thought.

On A Clockwork Orange

Here's an interesting thing on the novel. Now, I read somewhere that the characters in A Clockwork Orange were supposed to be a satire on British youth popular culture, and what everyone thought being "cool" was - the slang, the manner of dress, the behaviour. It was what these young people were, if they were amped up to the Nth degree.

Now, there's a lot of teenagers dressing up like them for Halloween. I think that these young men think that Alex and his boys are cool.

I wonder if these were the same children who dressed up as clowns for Halloween when they were younger.

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Mature Porn

Mature porn is an abomination against God that confirms that there is a higher purpose to sex.

Now, follow me. Mature porn, for those who have either had the displeasure (or pleasure?) of not getting into porn, is of porn actresses well beyond their prime, in their 40s and 50s. Presumably, it is for the 40 and 50 crowd that buys porn.

Somebody finds this attractive. I, however, find this as attractive as having my genitals stamped on by wildebeests while being spanked by John Denver.

Now, keep in mind, this runs contrary to the naturalist theory of why we find women sexually attractive. According to that theory, we find women attractive because we are recognizing traits that are more or less capable of better or greater reproduction. Nice ass? Better for holding on that baby. Nice tits? Better for nursing that offspring you want to produce. Nice face? No diseases that'll be present in your kids.

(On a completely unrelated note, I am now hearing the female in the next dorm room having sex, or something, while turning up the music so that no one hears her. Previously, I saw Vaseline right next to her computer. Figure it out. "Dear Penthouse, I never thought these stories were true..." Cosmic coincidence, I guess. But I'm betting she isn't into mature porn. One things for sure, she's moaning like a porn starlet. Maybe for his pleasure.)

Okay, now while I've completely got you distracted with thoughts of college girls masturbating, on to my next point. Now, the traits found within mature porn run contrary to this theory. They are not more likely to produce children. In strict terms, they're probably beyond child bearing.

So why does this pornography exist? There are surely tantamount examples of active, healthy, much more child capable porno actresses out there. So why does this porno exist?

It shows that these desparate older men are more interested in women their own age. It is for that simple matter that they buy this pornography. They recognize that they may not get the Brianna Banks, the Jenna Jamesons, but Big Horny Mae...that's a different story. That's someone with whom they share a common trait. And they find this trait attractive, despite the fact that these women are not more child capable than younger actresses. Hence, sexual attraction is built upon more than just a child bearing capacity. Hence, it is something more.

Granted, some people have feet fetishes, but that's a different matter entirely.

My Coolest Death

I’m 80 years old, nothing left to live for, terminal cancer, arranged with the cops to look like I’m in a shoot out, then I fall off a building and I swallow a painless suicide pill and then I blow myself up. The end.

The Best Part About Writing, And The Worst Part

The best part about writing is when you write a story, and it goes on its own hind legs. For most of the story, you're guiding it along, like a parent has to hold up its infant so that it doesn't fall. But the best part is when the story just gradually breaks away from your grip, and walks away from you, where it wants to go, where it should go, where it is its own entity, and that is where the true insight comes from. When it's no longer you, the pathetic little writer trying desparately to hold on and make sure it keeps walking. When the story walks.

The worst part is the people afterwards.

The people afterwards are brutal. They dissect you. They rob your grave. An example - studying Virginia Woolf. We were studying her suicide note. Her most personal note, the one that tried to explain to her loved ones why she felt she had to take her life, something that she never intended to be read aloud, except to those who touched her most, was being read to a bunch of first year college students, most of who probably didn't give a flying fuck about her.

Someone was taking notes as the suicide note was being read aloud.

The author should be completely separate from its work. Especially the author's most private moments. They barred their soul to you, but you don't take away from them something they don't want to give.

Anyway, just a thought. I'm writing up a storm.

The Level of Political Discourse In This Country Is Frightening

I'm not sure about this, but if George Bush wants to bring political discourse down to his level, he's doing it. Good vs. bad, black against white, Bush against everyone else, America vs. everyone else, liberal vs. Republican (which, thanks to him, probably brings up the world "evil" in most of the world's minds, or, at least, most people who consider themselves liberal.) And he's winning, and if we do that, then we are letting them win.

I heard someone in my class say, upon learning of Bush's win, that "Everyone who supports Bush is stupid." That's wrong. That's stupid, stupider than even the stupidest redneckest, "Either love America or get out" Bushite out there.

Bushites have different political beliefs. They believe in Bush's vision of America. That's not stupidity - that's a belief. To be stupid would be to not want someone who would do better things for this country. But, they both want better worlds, just different better worlds.

And that's what we elect people on - their beliefs. Bush had a belief in the world as a cowboy action hero, kicking terrorists asses, Kerry saw it as more of a smooth mac daddy backed up by his homeboys. One belief, in and of itself, is not more wrong or less wrong than the other. It is to me, but not to everyone, or even the majority. I agree with John Kerry, but I don't think that someone who disagrees with me about John Kerry is stupid.

But that's the thing about democracy - if everyone starts believing one way, then we can write, and change things to that way. If everyone disagrees with how Bush is running the country, then we can say, "We don't like what you're doing. We believe it's stupid." But to say that they are stupid when they just disagree with us, that's stupid.

I don't believe in George Bush. I don't believe he is a good man. He knowingly or unknowingly lied about WMDs. He's done nothing for education, or pretty much anything. He's turned one so far isolated terror of incident into his whole campaign.

But that does not make him stupid. That is how I feel. I don't think that the way I feel, the way I believe things is completely right. That would be just as arrogant as most liberals perceive Bush to be. And to be that arrogant would be stupid.

So judge their beliefs, not the believers. And thank God that there's a democracy that let's you say that. That's all we have now.

Here's hoping less people die in the next four years than in the previous ones.

Popular People Should Not Be Redeemed

I hate stories where smart, handsome, well to do people fail, and are then brought back, exactly as they were, but with a new appreciation for their standing in life. Life doesn't happen like that. You don't get back everything you lose. Some people fail, and then that's it - they fail. They can get back some of their life, but that's all she wrote, folks. Some things have permanent consequents. I hate those stories. I hate those jerks. I hate how they get redeemed. I think they should fall, and then be raped by savage zombie monkeys. Yes, true justice can only come from the stern, swift hand of savage zombie monkey rape.

Just a thought.