Friday, November 26, 2004

First Date: Final Contact

No reason for the subtitle, in case you were wondering.

Anyway, I got a date, barring unforeseen circumstances. Her name's Da, and should it develop into anything remotely serious (which I doubt at this point, simply because I am paranoid) we have a good "How we first met" story.

Basically, it was the Royal Winter Fair. We were both covering a Pizza Nova Pizza Making Workshop. Really, it was all about indoctrinating the kids to buy pizza.

They lure the kids with the fun of making pizza, then as a reward/homework for the supposed "educational" qualities of the presentation, they're given a free pizza, a magnet with the Pizza Nova phone number, and some other promotional crap. Really slick, really exploitative.

But anyway, we both checked it out for a while, never bothering to talk to each other. I believe she made the first move. We talked. I discovered that she came from Ryerson as well, though I had never seen her.

Anyway, we rode the subway station/transit car back. On the way, I decided to press the relationship further. Luckily for me, I had something of an aphrodisiac to offer.

"So anyway, I was wondering if I could have your MSN address."
She gave it to me. We talked a bit on MSN. After three times talking, I offered her to join me on a free meal at Joe Bodali's, this nice Italian restaurant. There's a friend of my family that owns the place, and he offered me a free meal.

Hope he remembers. Otherwise, there might be a bit of a jump on the credit card.



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