Thursday, November 04, 2004

Mature Porn

Mature porn is an abomination against God that confirms that there is a higher purpose to sex.

Now, follow me. Mature porn, for those who have either had the displeasure (or pleasure?) of not getting into porn, is of porn actresses well beyond their prime, in their 40s and 50s. Presumably, it is for the 40 and 50 crowd that buys porn.

Somebody finds this attractive. I, however, find this as attractive as having my genitals stamped on by wildebeests while being spanked by John Denver.

Now, keep in mind, this runs contrary to the naturalist theory of why we find women sexually attractive. According to that theory, we find women attractive because we are recognizing traits that are more or less capable of better or greater reproduction. Nice ass? Better for holding on that baby. Nice tits? Better for nursing that offspring you want to produce. Nice face? No diseases that'll be present in your kids.

(On a completely unrelated note, I am now hearing the female in the next dorm room having sex, or something, while turning up the music so that no one hears her. Previously, I saw Vaseline right next to her computer. Figure it out. "Dear Penthouse, I never thought these stories were true..." Cosmic coincidence, I guess. But I'm betting she isn't into mature porn. One things for sure, she's moaning like a porn starlet. Maybe for his pleasure.)

Okay, now while I've completely got you distracted with thoughts of college girls masturbating, on to my next point. Now, the traits found within mature porn run contrary to this theory. They are not more likely to produce children. In strict terms, they're probably beyond child bearing.

So why does this pornography exist? There are surely tantamount examples of active, healthy, much more child capable porno actresses out there. So why does this porno exist?

It shows that these desparate older men are more interested in women their own age. It is for that simple matter that they buy this pornography. They recognize that they may not get the Brianna Banks, the Jenna Jamesons, but Big Horny Mae...that's a different story. That's someone with whom they share a common trait. And they find this trait attractive, despite the fact that these women are not more child capable than younger actresses. Hence, sexual attraction is built upon more than just a child bearing capacity. Hence, it is something more.

Granted, some people have feet fetishes, but that's a different matter entirely.


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