So, in a classic case of retro, Iraq's quickly becoming wasn't the war that killed the U.S., it was the peace. I'm pretty sure that the same number of soldiers are being killed, but the media isn't reporting much about them anymore. The public's grown bored with it. If (sorry, when) World War III comes about, the propaganda people in power will have to keep us entertained better.
"Yeah, yeah, the enemy is upon us, the government is the only one defending us, we must support the government, kill the enemy, blah blah blah...didn't we hear all this yesterday? C'mon, let's see what else is on".
Also, interesting enough, three things come to mind when the Iraq War is mentioned - Air Force One, Saturday Night Live, and a well known comic to comic book nerds, extremely little known comics to everyone else. Allright, in Air Force One, the President declares that he's going to take the fight to terrorist nations, and those that support terrorists. And he was the good guy in that one.
Also, the Authority, a comic that prides itself on being anti-authoritarian. The writer himself is just left of Michael Moore, They call the President "a rich lawyer elected by some big corporations to make sure they don't pay much taxes and that their overseas interests are well-protected". They are shown telling off Slick Willy, bad asses that they are. Why are they telling off Slick Willy? Because he's mad at them for
taking out a dictator in South East Asia. Their justification for doing so? The fact that the dictator was an asshole, and his regime was one that "sanctified murder, rape, and torture"? Sound familiar?
Personally, it seems to me that American military idealogy was like the guy who wants to go to the gym. He thinks it's gonna be fun once he starts to be proactive, show off his muscles and develop some new ones. He knows he should do it, but it ends up eating up a lot of his time and he's exhausted all the time, and can't do much else. So he quits and ends up eating donuts.
Or, if you prefer sexually explicit, NC-17, Penthouse analogies, imagine the America as a guy looking for a threesome. Every guy wants to do it, but it's kind of hard at the end of the night, when you have to tell both girls that you love them both equally, and still manage to keep the girl you like more. We wanted to please that side that said, "Hell yeah! Kick some ass!"and the other that said, "War is hell! Yeah, don't do it!".
Also, SNL proved it has no spine. When George Bush was unpopular, they portrayed him as an idiot. Immediately post 9-11, they portrayed him as The Ultimate Cowboy, "Don't Mess With Texas", strong, determined, decisive, and all those other buzzwords sure to prop up in the Republican National Convention. Then, when he was unpopular, he was back to being an idiot.
In other news, Alice Cooper has sold himself like a twenty dollar Bangkok whore. The Marilyn Manson of his generation is now advertising for Office Depot. I can just imagine Slipknot advertising for a bathroom freshener. "Hi, I'm Cory, from the band Slipknot, and listen up, maggots! We're goddamn motherf---ing hardcore...about freshness!" That's the thing about youthful rebellion...when we define ourselves by what the Who said..."Don't trust anyone over 30", we can't trust ourselves either. So why not sell out, since the youthful ideals of sex, drugs, and rock and roll which defined us are eaten alive by the new ideals of marriage, martinis, and fusion jazz? Anyway,hurray for overanalysis!
P.S. In the name of international diversity, every day, or every time I update it, or whenever I feel like it (again, it all depends upon how I feel) in the name of international understanding, I will present a sentence from another language. Since I'm currently studying Japanese (although my vocabulary is somewhere between a retarded spider monkey and Jessica Simpson (Ooh! Hurray for topical references!) I will present an extremely simple sentence guessed it...Japanese.
Jyuu-hyaku to jyuu wa nijyuuhyaku desu.
Eighteen and ten is twenty eight.