Monday, October 31, 2005

On Mao

Okay, I can see why people wear Che shirts - he looks good, he's dangerous, blah blah blah

But I cannot understand why people wear Mao merchandise.

First off, it's against what little principles he has.
Second, he's ugly.
Thirdly, he beat Hitler and Stalin on people killed.

He's a jerk, and I encourage everyone reading this blog to start some shit with people who wear Mao merchandise.

That is all.

People Trying To Make A Better World Die

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Ooga Booga

Considering Bush's a born again Christian, this may be the one thing he and Chavez agree on. Here.

I Got 99 Problems, But Being A Bitch Ain't One

So in addition to my painful nerdom, I am now a wigger. Thankyew.

Some old stuff, some new stuff, nothing about me being Don Juan to myself.

New stuff:
My unit mate has problems. Her mother, a costume designer, made her a harem design. You know, like a whore, only classier. Sort of like a concubine. I could do with some concubines. Concubines. Say it with me, it's fun! Seriously, when did Halloween go from trick-or-treating to 20 year old women using it as an excuse to dress up like whores? Fucking literally, in this case?

So in addition to global warming, nuclear war, comets, alien invasion, robots, we can now add volcanoes to things that will end our life on Earth.

By the way, remember the last time in aides/close friends of the President were criminally charged? 1972.

Because I like to be behind the times, I'm listening to Jay-Z/Danger Mouse "Grey Album."

Speaking of which, the 80s weren't so bad. They had Public Enemy, Dead Kennedys, along with Whitesnake and Spandau Ballet. You know Whitesnake is actually on the top selling albums of all time? 250, or something. Scary.

I just downloaded the Stone Roses, too. Nice wuss rock. Now, that may seem like an oxymoron, or a stab against the Stone Roses, but it's not. Now, nobody should go to a wuss rock concert. It's shameful, and I only admit listening to the Roses because this site has two readers, if you believe the posts - the guys who tell me about their people searches, free credits, natural penis enlargements, person searches, and Benoit Benavouis. Thanks for keeping the faith, brother Benoit.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks that people who think they're vampires should be mocked ruthlessly, because they're suffering under a willful delusion?

I ask this because for Halloween, the university paper (you know, fight the power, change the system, ha ha we're funny bullshit I'm sure you've read/heard about) did 1500 words about how cool and mysterious people who think they're vampires are.

The link's here.
You will laugh out loud.

Okay, favourite quote. "But it's also scary, because it's one of two things - we're either a bunch of vampires pretending to be people, or a bunch of adults running around dressed as vampires."

No, that's not scary. That's funny, because you honestly believe that you're scary. A convicted rapist with a knife in a dark alley is scary. You are not scary. You are a Goth fag. You think you are a "psyvampire."

Oh, and you can tell that Victoria Scrozzo, the writer of this article, is wetting her little Gothie panties over this Baron Marcus loser.

You can tell by this quote about "Baron Marcus," (probably Mark Humperdinck from Scranton, Pennsylvania), "In fact, the Baron's persona reminded me of Lestat, Rice's rebellious French aristocrat turned vampire rock-star." Goddamn you, Anne Rice.

By the way, there's no counter-point - it's all about how cool and mysterious being a vampire is. Not one counteropinion. No blood workers, psychologists, sane people, not even a vampire hunter. Seriously, why no vampire hunters? "Yes, he says it's mysterious and sexy, but we all know that these vampires must be hunted down and destroyed!"

Seriously, how detached are these people are people from reality?

P.S. I am secretly a werewolf.
P.P.S. Archie and The Gang Go Goth! Here.
P.P.P.S. The hot Goth chick is a myth. Sure, there's been sightings, (a hot girl wearing black) but for people who are Gotsh every day, who really put in the hours, they aren't hot.
P.P.P.P.S. "Baron Marcus" ain't scary, but seeing Archie Goth will give me nightmares.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Painful Nerddom, Part Deux

Okay, now, before we begin, I didn't want to do this. It just sort of happened. It's horrible.

I jerked off to porn. Then, after that, I checked on my Kazaa downloaded version of Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan.

Now, that's painful nerd-dom.

I haven't just crossed the line with that. I'd have to travel faster than the speed of light for two months to even see the line on the horizon.

For the record, I hate Star Trek. I just heard this movie was good. Star Trek is cheap TV. I hate it.

Friday, October 21, 2005

I Have Just Crossed The Line

I stayed home and studied instead of going out to an anime club.

This crossed the line into painful nerd-dom.

You see, thanks to movies like Napoleon Dynamite, or Seth on The OC (which I don't want to waste, because the premise was stolen off the Fresh Prince) there is a popular nerd.

I am not in this category. I am in the painful nerd category.

That is all.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Depressing Wit of the Day

Failure has consequences; success does not.

School teaches this at a very young age. Doesn't matter if you get an A, B, C, or a D, you still move on to the next grade. Get an F, you get held back.

Work, to a certain extent, allows for promotions based on success, but even then, all you're doing is making more money. Fail once, and you go back.

Love - If anyone cheated on me once, I'd kick them out, no questions asked.

Death happens once.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

On Love

Men want a virgin who is secretly a whore, women want a bad boy who is secretly a prince.

Gimme some amour, baby.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Good News

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Am I A Bastard?

Okay, now, here's a relationship question. If the spammers say "Yes" or "No" to this, I'll buy their product or service. If it's a real person, I'll give them a big hug too.

All right, now, there's this girl, Alicia. We were on a school assignment together, and I thought we got along pretty well. Anyway, she gave me her number/e-mail address for the school assignment.
Now, the question is, would it be bastardly for me to use this number to call her up for social interactions? Or do I just keep it school-related?

Answers would be appreciated.

Friday, October 14, 2005

While I'm Talking About Catholicism

Mexican wrestler priest. Friar Storm.

I like lucha libre.

Link here.

Fuck Jack Chick, Too

He gives comics a bad name. He's a jerk.

From Wikipedia, because I like my research to be extensive.

A recurring theme in Chick's tracts is the role of the Roman Catholic Church, which he presents as one of the most powerful and insidious branches of this conspiracy. According to Chick the Catholic Church is the 'Great Whore' referred to in the Book of Revelations, and will bring about a Satanic New World Order [14][15] before it is destroyed by Jesus Christ.

Drawing on the dubious claims of Alberto Rivera, Chick claims that the Catholic Church helped to mold Islam as a tool to lure people away from Christianity [16], that it infiltrates and attempts to destroy or corrupt all other religions and churches [17], and that it uses various means including seduction, framing, and murder to silence its critics [18]. He accuses Catholicism of supporting ideologies such as Nazism and Communism, and using the Holocaust to persecute opponents of the Catholic Church.

Andreas Stodolka died in the Holocaust. So fuck Jack Chick.

Fuck Avro Manhattan

God, I love that name. That is the best name ever, for a pretty big prick.

Basically, he believes that the Catholic Church is responsible for 9-11, Vietnam, and a whole bunch of other shit.

He's a jerk.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Going Commando

I forgot to do the laundry yesterday. I had no underwear at the time. Like every soldier through out time, the plan went SNAFU before I even got out of bed. I had one option.

I had to go commando.

It went fine, no cock-ups...I might do it again some time. After I wash these pants thrice.

Oh, and funny - my philosophy class, we're studying the Matrix. How the culture industry (basically the Hollywood system) is oppressing us, how we see too many ads, blah blah blah. Then, in a rarity among college professors, tells us that we can only do essays on questions that he's already written up. Hah.

Anyway, don't die.

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Random Thoughts About Celebrity

Here's a theory:

If celebrities are overscrutinized, and politicians are becoming celebrities, won't politicians be overscrutinized? Or will it be that I'll know who the President is dating, but not his policies?

As regards the fakenes of Hollywood, its detractors can go on and on about how it's fake, but offer no solutions. Nobody says "How?"

Friday, October 07, 2005

In The Future

Deviancy will be quaint. As in, they won't exist. I blame all the ways we can get on information. Until the 20th century, all people had was books, and the occasional naughty book. Now, whereas all we had was puddles, we're in an ocean. An ocean that was bought, paid for, and chosen. So, of course sex had to be portrayed in the media. And of course, sex had to evolve. Familiarity breeds contempt, and if we were contemptous of something, we wouldn't buy it. So now we have lesbian porn.

Of course, even when deviancy will become quaint, only a few brave souls will go into deviancy that makes Larry Flynt seem like a Sunday school choirboy soprano. The rest will stick with missionary. After all, even in a democratic society, a lot of people are still afraid. When was the last time you abused your freedom of speech? When was the last time you offended someone?

Everything will be flavoured. Reality will be another good, something to be consumed. The oceans will be mixed with Kool-Aid. You won't be able to touch it and point it out, but when you drink it, it will taste like something. Entire oceans will be bought out; the rights to oceans will be fought out. If current trends continue, you will sail the Pepsicific or the Atlanticoke. Flying high their flags, red vs. blue, the coca-cola wars will be fought in the massive warships. Touting their guns high in the air, the troops will cry, "The Real Thing" vs. "The New Generation."

That is all.

Oh, and if you want to read more about what I think about the future, try this. Read Soma.

Black Hole Porno

Definition: Porno so filthy, light, cleanliness, a sense of decency, and phsyical/social/emotional reality cannot escape its pull.

For examples, see whatever you're watching right now.

Porno Horizon: Going with the black hole theme, the event horizon is the point where you cannot escape from a black hole. Consequently, the moment in time where you think to yourself, "Geez, should I be watching this?" If you say yes, you are crossing towards the porno horizon.

That is all.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


Stodolka, Andreas
(1900-11-09 ÷ 1941-09-06)
Birthplace: Winterfeld, Place of Residence: Lublinitz, Denomination: katholisch

This is my relative. I looked him up on the web, and that's all I'll probably ever known about him. This is from the Auschwitz website.

My last name, Stodalka (not Marshall McMahon, for those coming on to the site for the first name) has always seemed such an odd fit. For the longest time in my life, it was Eastern European. We all thought it was Czech, but we were German. That's what we knew - my grandparents spoke German, we were taught German. Hell, I got an A in German. That was what we were.

Until my uncle looked up that website, and I don't know, out of a lark or something, he looked up Stodalka. Or, should I say, Stodolka. We changed our name to make it easier to spell for the Americans. Born into a mask, like trying to cover up an architectural disaster by giving it a fresh coat of paint.

We changed our name when we came over here, to America. The US America. We came to Minnesota. I can just imagine it - the guy goes through bustling New York, the City that Never Sleeps, he has the entire west coast to himself, and he goes to Minnesota to farm. From some shithole in Poland that's cold and nearly inhospitable to human habitation to Minnesota.

Why did we come there? I'm guessing it must have been completely financial. We didn't come here to pursue the American Dream, but the American Dollar. We moved into Canada when our times in Minnesota failed. We weren't even loyal. We were prostituting ourselves across continents.

As a writer, I'd always imagined that there must be something in my past, in my name. There has been no famous Stodalkas. Stodalka just seems like a name that won't create an identity, even though we're probably the only Stodolka in the world. There's no madness in my family, no black sheep. Not even failures. Shiny, happy people.

But, we didn't die in Auschwitz.

It strikes me as a horrible irony - all the tragedies, all the lives lost, all the names in the book, ultimately, that was where I found my history. That's where I found out where Stodalka came from. That's all I'll probably know about Andreas.

My grand parents were proud, in small ways, that they were German. Now, after my uncle found this, they found out they were the victims of their own false past.

And of course, he was Catholic. That's another post in itself.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Things I Want To Do Before I Die

Create an idea that will outlive me. Or a work of fiction. Something I write that'll outlive me.

Make enough money so that I can give half of it away to charity and still be rich as fuck.

Write a novel.

Make all these posts on this blog and make it into a book.

Have a three-some with two chicks.

Fight a guy bigger than myself and win.

Buy a 69 Chevrolet Super Yenko Camaro.

Be called a sex symbol.

Develop proper brooding skills.

Write a critique of someone in power that gets them kicked out.

Say something really classy on my death bed.

Win an Academy award.

How many of these will actually happen? 3, maybe. But if you don't want more than what you got, you're just using up oxygen. Oh, and you can't say that you create kids, you're better. Anyone can do that. It's how you love them and raise them. But I don't really want kids. Little bastards.