I'm On Google! Hurray!
I mean, you can actually google this webpage, kind of, if you type in my name, blogspot, and the title.
So hurray.
Soon, you will be able to find people's souls on google. The only hit you'll find will be this one.
I enjoy this.
By the way, if you type in Marshall McMahon, I'm over Ed MacMahon. So fuck you, Ed MacMahon! You may have just won thirty million dollars worth of ass-kicking!
By the way, how on Earth do people know about this website? I haven't told anyone. Seriously. I've told like maybe 5 people. But everybody seems to get it across...how? How, I say? Who squealed? Huh? Huh? I'll kill you! I kill you all! I Marshall Mcmahon! You fuck with me, you fuckin' with the best!
Yeah, it's been a good run. Now I'm on Google, sort of fame, along with poop fetish websites, pedophile clubs, and the Ku Klux Klan. So hurray.
Just remember, this site is mostly for humour. I've sort of got my internet back, so I'll try and publish more. Because I go on and check websites daily, and nothing pisses me more than going to a blank website. So I've been pissing off a lot of people.
But just remember, I don't think about this website. I type it, forget it, then bag it. The fact is, this is like a quantum miracle, a thing I thought so unlikely as to never have happened.
So, in the attempt to get it back down to unpopular levels, I'd like to say screw everyone except me. Yeah, that includes you. I know a friend of a friend of yours, and I hate you. You suck. Go home and die.
I am a greasy little bastard. Seriously, not being ironic.
So yeah.