There's a specific schedule for what kind of a meal it is. For example:
5 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - Breakfast
10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Lunch
4:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. - Supper
Of course, this can all change, depending on what time you wake up, if it's just for yourself. For example, get up at 2:00 p.m., you can have breakfast. But your next meal will not be lunch; it will be supper.
Pointless, I know, but that's what this website is all about.
Also interesting note about Japanese hentai:
Japanese porn has a fascinating sexual morality. Keep in mind it's completely ludicrous, but I think it provides a glimpse into the deep inner sexual id of the Land of the Rising Sun.
For example, rape is permissible and considered erotic. This is (I imagine) a rarity in most American porn. I say this not because I presume not to have viewed porn, but simply because I don't see much of the bustling American porn industry. For that, I would have to go into dirty shops downtown, and I don't particularly feel like that.
But an interesting sidenote - they enjoy the rape. Forget the fact that forcing someone to do something as personal and initimate as sex is abhorrent beyond belief - we are living in a "porn world." In porn world, morality is only defined by forcing something unpleasurable upon someone else. An interesting oversimplification.
Also interesting is the portrayal of lesbians in Japanese hentai. I apologize if this sucks, but it's 1 in the morning and I feel like writing. In one hentai series, there are two lesbians: it is mutual, although one takes the more aggressive/dominant role and the other takes the more passive/submissive role. It is mutual, which, based upon my somewhat limited expertise, may be a rarity. The Japanese don't present any taboo with the act itself.
However, it is interesting to note her further portrayal. The passive one takes on a far more bitchy, passive aggressive role outside of the relationship, away from her lover. Ultimately, this affair (with some supernatural help) ends up destroying her. Like Jason kills the two lovers for having premarital sex, the universe punishes her for pursuing this lesbian relationship.
But in an interesting note, occassionally, rape victims end up becoming stronger people because of the rape in "porn world." They become unrepressed, more open to their sexual experiences. It is not a psychosexually destructive, as rape is, but rather, a kind of flagellation, a trial through which they emerge stronger. They do not suffer the horrible fate befalling those who (gasp and horror!) choose to pursue a lesbian relationship, which, even in Japan, is still considered taboo and "wrong", even if the act itself isn't.
In conclusion, Japanese people are messed up sons-a-bitches. The end.