Monday, December 27, 2004

New Year's Resolutions Guidelines

1. Write more.

2. Read more.

3. Date more.

More as it develops.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas Eve

All right, I have nothing else to write, so I'm going to describe the day's events. Keep in mind, it's Christmas Eve.

I ate at Angkor, a Southeast Asian restaurant. Where in Southeast Asia? Didn't say.

I walked the dog, in a fascinating ensemble - a cross between a homeless man and a killer. With my stunning grey London Fog trenchcoat, grey cargo pants, Aldo plain black shoes, and ten dollar Wal-Mart dark blue skimask. I thought about fight scenes during the way.

I went to Church. Priest made an interesting point - The Nativity scene is presented in such a sanitized way, but it was actually done in a filthy cave, and our Saviour was born in a feeding trough.

I came home and ate. Then we watched a movie - The Santa Clause. Cutesy movie, trying to be ironic.

Then I played Grand Theft Auto. My character CJ was betrayed! Gasp and horror! Now, he must kill even more people! But, oh well, he got a psychopathic girlfriend as concilation.

I went on the internet after that. I wrote, and looked up wacky news, and the biggest skyscrapers.

Porn. Boobs. Fuck. Titties.

Just to make sure you were paying attention.


Monday, December 20, 2004

Times of Meals

There's a specific schedule for what kind of a meal it is. For example:

5 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. - Breakfast
10:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. - Lunch
4:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m. - Supper

Of course, this can all change, depending on what time you wake up, if it's just for yourself. For example, get up at 2:00 p.m., you can have breakfast. But your next meal will not be lunch; it will be supper.

Pointless, I know, but that's what this website is all about.

Also interesting note about Japanese hentai:

Japanese porn has a fascinating sexual morality. Keep in mind it's completely ludicrous, but I think it provides a glimpse into the deep inner sexual id of the Land of the Rising Sun.

For example, rape is permissible and considered erotic. This is (I imagine) a rarity in most American porn. I say this not because I presume not to have viewed porn, but simply because I don't see much of the bustling American porn industry. For that, I would have to go into dirty shops downtown, and I don't particularly feel like that.

But an interesting sidenote - they enjoy the rape. Forget the fact that forcing someone to do something as personal and initimate as sex is abhorrent beyond belief - we are living in a "porn world." In porn world, morality is only defined by forcing something unpleasurable upon someone else. An interesting oversimplification.

Also interesting is the portrayal of lesbians in Japanese hentai. I apologize if this sucks, but it's 1 in the morning and I feel like writing. In one hentai series, there are two lesbians: it is mutual, although one takes the more aggressive/dominant role and the other takes the more passive/submissive role. It is mutual, which, based upon my somewhat limited expertise, may be a rarity. The Japanese don't present any taboo with the act itself.

However, it is interesting to note her further portrayal. The passive one takes on a far more bitchy, passive aggressive role outside of the relationship, away from her lover. Ultimately, this affair (with some supernatural help) ends up destroying her. Like Jason kills the two lovers for having premarital sex, the universe punishes her for pursuing this lesbian relationship.

But in an interesting note, occassionally, rape victims end up becoming stronger people because of the rape in "porn world." They become unrepressed, more open to their sexual experiences. It is not a psychosexually destructive, as rape is, but rather, a kind of flagellation, a trial through which they emerge stronger. They do not suffer the horrible fate befalling those who (gasp and horror!) choose to pursue a lesbian relationship, which, even in Japan, is still considered taboo and "wrong", even if the act itself isn't.

In conclusion, Japanese people are messed up sons-a-bitches. The end.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

The Tragedies That Befell My High School Friends, Which I Will Relate For Your Amusement

The names of the victims have been changed in case they read this.

Donnie was the smart kid in high school. I recently met him for the first time in a couple of months. We were fairly good friends throughout high school. I ask him, "How's college?" He responds, "Well, I should point out that college is an American term..."

Anyway, he was in an advanced placement class, going out east for his education, everything going for him.

But then he got his girlfriend pregnant, and had to stay in Regina, the duller version of the Bible belt.

Makes me feel better for not having dated.

Also, Bucky. Bucky actually did drugs during class. Real drugs, snorting drugs. He said it was "Crystal Meth."

He got kicked out for hunting rabbits on school grounds.

Nice kid otherwise.

Sunday, December 12, 2004


Interesting -

Completely by accident, I was listening to Beethoven's "Fur Elise", then I switched over to Eminem's "Kill You."

The second's about Eminem's ex-wife, for the crap illiterate.

I apologize for listening to that.

Friday, December 10, 2004

A Writer Impervious From Criticism

An amateur and free pornographic writer can shield himself from criticism as easily as Superman does bullets.

Can you imagine someone writing back and saying, "I found your work, 'Suzy and Cindy At The Dildo Factory' " to be quite lazy, unerotic and uninspiring. You are a disgrace to the field of lesbian strap-on fantasies."

The writer is a hack of the highest order - if he doesn't write that erotic fantasy, there are millions of others just like it. He can't really change anyone's minds, influence anyone.

But in a sense, he is the artist in the truest sense of the word - he is doing it purely for himself because he loves the craft and lustful lovemaking, publishing it so that others can make love to themselves.

And he loves it dearly.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

The Iraq War

All none of you, heads up.

Here's what I think about the Iraq War. I mention this because I debated some left-leaning chick last night.

This is grossly oversimplified, but it's the application of the phrase given to us by Patrick Henry.

"Give me liberty or give me death!"

Thursday, December 02, 2004


I realized I hate school.

I love good grades and I love finishing essays, but I hate it. I can't stand it.

That's all.