My band idea is for "Big Brother and his Ministry of Information."
Big Brother is the leader, only present on the screen at the beginning. He starts away by saying how we're at war with Eastasia, and how we should destroy them. Then the band goes into its hit single, "War with Eastasia." It rocks the crowd.
They go into their other big hits, "Anti-Sexy," "War Is Peace," etc. Then, halfway through the show, some random schmoe from the audience gets to be declared a traitor to the state, with his picture put on the big screen, which begins the Two Minute Hate, where they describe how much they hate him. Which leads to the song, "Two Minute Hate," which is exactly two minutes.
Then we continue on with the show, gradually switching the lyrics. Finally, Big Brother concludes with saying how much they hate Eurasia.
Finally, Big Brother defends his people against the hordes of Eurasia with his awesome power chords.