Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Alcohol Is The Devil's Drink

I'm never buying alcohol again.

I can remember all the times I've drunk.

There was the time I drank a beer on a public school playground, three years ago, during spring or winter.

There was the time I got wasted and puked a lot at a party during the summer the next year. That was embarassing.

Didn't pay for either.

Then, there was this year. Two times.

We went out for a drinks at this little shit-bar, Tumblers. It's dirty, pseudo-western country. It sucked. I paid for a bit of their drinks. Still, not my idea. A lot of it was their idea.

I bought a single white Russian trying to pick up a chick, hot little British number named Janice, or something...I forget. I failed - didn't get her number. But I could've.

Now, today is the first time I went to a liquor store. I bought a 6.95 dollar wine. I knew I shouldn't get it, but I figured, hey, if it's a bad wine, at least I didn't pay too much. I was ashamed. I'm hiding it in my room, away from my unit-mates. They won't steal my milk, but leaving out my wine will be like the Jurassic Park goat.

Keep in mind, it's my second time in a liquor store. First time I bought something.

Then, some homeless guy sees my bag. Comes up to me, and asks me for fifty cents to buy a beer.

Now, that's a pretty good begging strategy right there. That's ballsy, informative, and correct. I'm morally in checkmate - how can I not give him money for a beer, when I have one myself? It also defeats my moral standpoint of, "You're just going to spend it on beer," because he's admitting it himself.

I lied, told him I didn't have any change, and left. I'm willing to feed the homeless, but not their addictions. Plus, I felt disgusted - first time I bought a beer in my life, and automatically, he compares me in the same league as him.

Alcohol's the great equalizer.

Oh, and for the record, I'm doing this to get a girl. I hate alcohol. Just a waste. But I can't really serve Coke with a fancy meal, like I did last time. So wine it is. I'm trying to build up a resistance.

And after I get past the "Impress me" stage of a relationship, I'm ditching the al-kee-hol. It just ain't good for you.

Tomorrow: "Be My Baby's Daddy."


Blogger Benoît Beauvais said...

Teetotalers will rule the world!

4:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should try Gringo's, its a dump in Regina, Saskatchewan. If you want to go to a place where alcoholics thrive go there on New Years Eve. Lol some guy just plastered upchucked all over the bathroom and tried to fight the bouncer. O Benoit beauvais, you rock!

5:34 PM  

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