Saturday, September 25, 2004

If Y'All Like To Get Down...

I have no way to complete that title, as magnificent as it is.

Anyway, I think I have completely figured out the difference between high school and college thus far: People get party and drunk at high school, and talk about stupid bullshit. In college, people get party and get drunk, and bullshit about ideas. For example, one guy was drinking, and waxing about freedom and its inherent pessimism. Basically, he thought the desire for freedom was pessimistic - if we were completely satisfied, we wouldn't desire freedom. But because we aren't, then we desire freedom. Again, I could be wrong, and if I am, and if Drunk Guy somehow stumbles upon this website, I want to apologize to Drunk Guy for my mistaken interpretation of his philosophical beliefs.

Anyway, went to an anime showing for the Anime Club. I wanted to win Pocky but didn't. The first half was good, despite the title "Princess Tutu" - dealing with ballerina princesses and sensitive writer boys and gnosticism and the blurring of fiction and reality. I'll leave you to your own conclusions about that one. Two shows were good, but after the break, the last half of the shows really blew it out its hole. I left before the show ended.

Dare no kuruma desu ka?
Whose car is this?


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