Friday, September 17, 2004

Morality And God

Okay, here's a theory that's still in its infancy, made it up during History class, talking about Jesuits and the Natives. Probably preached by someone else, and my subconscious filtered it to say that I made it up. I get the feeling that the teacher was an atheist, and he asked, "Is there a reasonal way to back up God?".

All right, if you believe that without God there is no morality, because it's all just a load of bunch society made to protect itself, all relative to whatever society created it - no difference between cannibals in New Guinea and the Pope. Okay, but the fact remains that there is morality in the world. And the world has been shown that given the chance, it will take the easiest route to anything. A lot of people have said that man's primary status is like a caveman, just wild and stupid and doing whatever they want. So why is there morality? Because God exists.

God would probably be like this - Imagine you lived your entire life near a trainway, with all the windows and doors permanently shut. You'd get so used to the sound, you probably wouldn't even consciously register it any more. That's God.


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