Thursday, September 23, 2004

An Abridged Conversation

Here's an abridged conversation I had with my brother on MSN.
Andy says: oh now I remember I forgot you didn't have your own tv

William says: Yeah, because mine's in the basement. You using it? Or is it just being wasted? Andy says: wasted

Andy says: don't know what to do with it

Basically, I told him he should use the television anyway.

William says: What's that expression, Andy..."Better to have a gun and not need it than need a gun and not have it." Replace gun with TV, and you're set.

Andy says: true but I wouldn't compare a gun to a tv

William says: They both knock people out, right? With either emotional content or lead. But still the same thing.

Andy says: also true but a tv does not physically kill someone

William says: What if you use it as a weapon? You could do some damage. Andy says: maybe but thats not its intended purpose

William says: Maybe it was its intended original purpose. Maybe it was all just a fancy way of murdering someone, because the inventor thought that guns were so pedestrian.

Andy says: then why all the trouble for getting reception?

William says: So he could watch something while he was killing a guy.

Andy says: but the tv would probally break when you hit someone with it

William says: Yeah, but the original television had a lot of spikes in it.

William says: In the blank space.

William says: In the tv.

Andy says: to bad that the tv didn't catch on as a murder weapon

William says: Well, they got so hooked on the things that they were going to watch, that they forgot all about murdering the guy.

Andy says: yeah and I guess the spikes clashed with the decor of living rooms

William says: Well, they were inside the television. Nobody knew what was inside. That's what made it such a great murder weapon.

Andy says: are they still there?

William says: In some of the older models, but with models nowadays, with them getting smaller with the plasma screens and the whatnot, they couldn't find them in.

Andy says: damn shame

William says: Indeed.

Andy says: I can't think of anything to talk about!

William says: Nor can I. Want to talk when something interesting happens?

And then he left.

Ima, ikimasu!
Now, go!


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