Monday, September 26, 2005

I Fear For The Future...

The pervisities of the future both intrigue and frighten me.

S & M. Lube. Dildos. Strap-on dildos. Double-ended dildos. Vibrators. The Sybian. Sex swings. Bonk'er Classic and Bonk'er Extreme. And porn. My God, it's full of porn! will surely be one of those comments on our society. Or, it should be.

Which makes me wonder whether the darkest imaginings of science erotica we have now will seem passe and quaint.

When will the sex industry catch up with imagination? Can they?

Imagine the future - clones, robots, genetic engineering. Hermaphrodites as fashionistas. Cloning yourself, giving mutual masturbation a second meaning. Trying to chase away robots, for fear they'll stear our women.

Which is why I'm in favour of sexual conservationism. Like what the environmentists do. Only instead of trying to preserve the beauty of Mother Earth, trying to preserve the beauty of porn stars.

Here's the thing - we enter in a sexual dark age, repression is the norm, no more porn, internet, Big Brother-esque, simply for porn. Anywhere else gets to be a bother. Of course, history abhors static, so it comes back to a sexual revolution, where it becomes freeing.

I'm just afraid the sexual revolution won't collapse and create equilibrium.

But industry marches on. And if prohibition has taught us anything, it's that people want what they want.

Is there a breaking point to deviancy? Perhaps, in the future, they'll make a category of porn so abhorrently filthy, that it devours all the other porn memes out there. Porn becomes subsumed by the sheer erotic/disgusting power of that porn meme, and it eventually collapses. People retreat from porn.

(Meme is an idea you catch like a virus. It becomes popular, and infects the consciousness. You're not the same. It spreads, like John Woo dual-handgun sequences in action movies.)

I'm looking to Japan to introduce something like this.

P.S. I vote we don't make robots with penises. They probably will take away our women. Unless they make robots with vaginas. Then we'll see. Introduce them to China, that way they don't have to keep aborting baby no. 2. Repeat until the population reaches an acceptable level, than outlaw the fuckers.


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