Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Woman's Man

Okay, here's more of that sociocultural dissection that you've come to expect.

There are men who maintain that right confidence of machismo, confidence and good looks to get girls. These are players, pimps, mac-daddys, smooth guys, you know the rest.

But there are two very distinct subvarieties of these guys. One of them is the women's man, a.k.a. Richard Gere. These are the guys who don't do action movies. These guys could be the best friend, and women trust them. Normally, they'd be pussies, but luckily, they're attractive. So then they become woman's man. They seem more comfortable hanging out with chicks than hanging out with other dudes and doing dude stuff.

The other type is the the lady's man. These guys are Kurt Russells, Clint Eastwoods. These guys could get chicks, but they're tough. They have one-night stands, leave him, promise to call them, and don't.

Men hate women's men, but love lady's men. Lady's men live the way we want, but women's men are taking away the women from us.

That is all, and I don't really know where I went with this, other than I hate Richard Gere.

You hear that, you Buddhist son-of-a-bitch...fuck you with a spiked dildo being shoved in by two raving prison rapists in every orifice in your pretty-haired body!

Fear Richard Gere. Because women do not.


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