Tuesday, July 11, 2006

There Is No Justice In Funny

Why does Drew Carey still get a career? Seriously, that stupid "Whose Line Is It Anyway?" started sucking about 9 years ago...and it's only been on for 8.

Meanwhile, Dave Chappelle goes crazy, gets his show cancelled, then we don't get any funny. Because he can't handle success - he goes back to doing stand-up after he's got a great show.

Hey, what's the last great sitcom that people watched? Sure, there's Arrested Development. But seriously, there's a difference between shows you should see and shows you must see. Arrested Development was a show you must see, because it NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT. Other sitcoms you should watch, but you don't need to. It will go on, it has enough support. Somebody else has heard about it. The show has self-confidence.

Here's hoping Arrested has that development.

By the way, Newsradio was good until Hartman died. Same for Cheers, except when Kirstie Allie came in.

That is all.


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