Friday, June 30, 2006

Mad Libs

Okay, this is the first ever mad libs done on this blog. Also the first one to imitate a chain letter.

Fill in words for this
1. Occupation
2. Type of relationship
3. Verb
4. Type of bad guy.
5. Place.
6. Type of foreigner.
7. Item.
8. Word for revenge.






Okay, got it?

Now, here's the mad lib.

Jim Dark, a renegade 1, was mortally wounded by his ex-2 when Jim discovered he/she was running a 3 operation with the 4 out of 5. However, he was revived by a mystical 6 with a magical 7, and he was able to see in the dark. He then vowed to defeat the 4, as Dark 8.

Leave your own mad libs in the comments, if you want. If you don't, then you have no sense of humour.


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