Sunday, April 09, 2006

Toronto Is A Good Place To Live

I'm on Yonge Street, longest street in the world. Goes all the way through Toronto up to its suburbs.

I'd just bought a CD wallet (I'm burning my 16 gigs of songs onto CDs to free up space.) The sun was setting.

On the other side of the street were three pimpmobiles, low-rided out. The one on the right has its back wheels up, front wheels down. Middle one, both are down. One on the left, back wheel is down, front wheel is up. It's for a promotional idea - I don't know why. And Zanta was dancing around.

Zanta's the name of this mentally imbalanced friendly guy that lives downtown. It's April, and he's shirtless, in boots, and a red Santa stocking cap.

It's a friendly scene, and I'm glad I'm living here.


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