Tuesday, May 08, 2007

The James Bond Jew

Syria, the early 60s. Kamel Amin Tsa'abet, a friend of many high-ranking Syrian generals, tours the fortifications of the Golan Heights. The heights contained mortars and military bunkers Syria used to fire into Upper Galilee, at Jewish settlements. While a Syrian army officer explained the fortifications. Tsa'abet suggested planting eucalyptus trees to deceive the Israelis into thinking it was unfortified. In addition, these trees would provide shade and beauty to the soldiers. The Syrians agreed.

1967, the Six Day War between Syria, Egypt and Jordan vs. Israel. Israeli bombers target and destroy all the fortifications.

Because this guy wasn't Kamel Amin Tsa'abet, but Eli Cohen, a guy who left accounting for spying.

He was James Bond. Rich, handsome, 17 lovers, trusted by the Prime Minister of Syria - only he didn't go back to Israel to drink martinis, he got hanged.

Here's how badass (and I don't mean cool, I mean badass, as in, holy shit that's cold) he got info on the Syrian airforce pilots. Then when the Six Day war happened, he told them that if they bombed Syria, he'd bomb their families. They dropped bombs nowhere, then said they did it.

So that's him, the James Bond Jew.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said.

6:50 AM  

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