Friday, November 25, 2005

God Damn Video Game Movies To Satan's Bowels

I mean, video game movies are responsible for Uwe Boll's career. If he were a soldier, he'd be a war criminal, ex-communicated, and flogged by all the people who actually paid to see his movies.
His movies stink.

Dead or Alive will suck.
Halo will suck.
Doom sucked.
Street Fighter sucked.

And on another level, how sad is this? There's a lot of good ideas out there. But they aren't being made into movies. No, they go into video games. And video games are porn. Their storylines are crap. And then the movies make them even crappier.

Video game movies are crap, and we should stop going to them.


Blogger Benoît Beauvais said...

You're the one seeing the movies not I.

11:01 PM  

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