Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Triple D and The Essay of Doom

Dr. Dennis Denisoff is my English professor. If hutzpah were borscht, he'd be able to feed the Russian army three times over.

How do you account for a teacher who recommends student buy his own book of Victorian reading, 99% of which are free floating on the internet?

Now, I take my essays seriously. I don't ask teachers help. They're my shit.

However, I was having a bit of free trouble with my essay, so I e-mailed him for help. First time ever.

And he basically shits all over my thesis, changing itompletely while saying he's keeping it pretty much the same. But I figure it's best not to fight it, and just tell him what he wants to hear.

So I look up on some of the notes leading up to the points he talked about in his e-mail, and there were very few websites talking about it. So I'm trying everything, just clicking on websites.

When I hit his website. Which for the sake of getting good grades, I'm going to reference. Because I figure, hell, if I'm going to let him fuck me up my ass, might as well give him a reacharound, too.

Eh, probably making it up for all the people who made fun of his name. Dennis Denisoff, ha. Plus, for the first two months of his class, I thought he was gay. Until he mentioned a wife. But that could be a beard.

And I took his because I didn't want to read about feminist literature...Of course, then I'd have to say that I'm oppressing everyone with two X chromosomes.

But at least I may not have gotten fucked up the ass. Only porno lesbians wear strap-ons. Plus, I'm a fan of lesbians, which the professor for that class might be.

Boy, lesbian porn has fucked up my views of women.

Speaking of non-heterosexuality, are there bicrossdressors? Like, some days they dress up like a boy, other days they dress up like a girl?

Shopping for clothes would be pretty easy, though. Of course, I'd imagine they'd probably fall into one category. For the lazy trans people, it'd probably be hard to either tape up your breasts or put in your fake ones, so they'd probably stick with their own gender. The men might wear panties, but that's it.

That is all.


Blogger Benoît Beauvais said...

A google search of "Dr. Dennis Denisoff" results with him appearing on a list of "Famous GLTB People (Or who tried it at least once...)".

If you really want to be sure you could ask him out.

Google Cache.

2:19 AM  

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