Wednesday, November 09, 2005

That's It, No More Anonymous Comments

Fuck those horsefuckers.

Specifically, this horsefucker. Second comment.

Who recommends suicide? Honestly? I know I write a blog, and am therefore a horrible nerd, but please!

You've ruined it for the rest of us, suicide guy.


I mean, what kind of a life am I leading where strangers are recommending suicide to me? Or even implying that I'm interested in suicide? I mean, even in an abstract sense, there's not much to it. You put a gun to your head, and fire.

I mean, you can be interested in philosophy, literature, and the arts, because these are complex. Suicide's for depressed people. It's really simple. And a waste of a bullet.

That bullet could be used for many great things.

This is a whole new level of spam. There's a line, and Suicide Boy, you didn't just cross the line, you blew the line's brains out, Swiffered it up, and put it in the garbage. I'm fine with stuff that offers me bigger penises, impossible financial transactions, links to there blog, or other crap. Hey, you gotta work for a living. Spam is crap, but if we didn't crap, our intestines would compress and explode. (Boy, that's a weird metaphor.)


But suicide? Seriously, try doing that to a stranger on the street, like that guy did. "Excuse me, sir, are you interested in suicide?" They'll put you in the loony bin or punch you in the jaw. For me, both, and then I'd sleep with your mother, to comfort her for having a crazy ass son who asks strangers about suicide.

Fuck him up his fucking ass. Hey, I'll kill myself if you go first, you fucker.

For the record, I am not interested in suicide. Your suicide would bring me a jig to my step, though, Suicide Boy.

I hope you try and commit suicide, buddy, only you fuck up, and you have to spend the rest of your life in pain. Until finally some nurse hooks up your airtube with the tube that sucks out your crap. You awaken miraculously, only to drown in your own warm shit, which, coincidentally, is the last thing you'll feel. And only then you'll think, just as the stench of the warm gooey shit overwhelms you, you'll think, "Why did I recommend suicide to strangers?"


Blogger Benoît Beauvais said...

Personally I think recommending Simple Plan is the equivalent of recommending suicide.

12:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you lack understanding of Philosophy and enjoy regurgitating quaint information you found on the back of your textbook. You are in journalism! What a waste of time. Honestly, you are unable to write and are wasting precious air writing your bullshit blog. Your repugnance is only compounded by your own delusions of success. Maybe if you get a doctorate then you can talk smack but until then you sound like a whiny bitch. Two strangers recommending suicide? I think you better consider it. Don't fuck with me I'm like 8 feet tall!

11:02 PM  

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