Thursday, February 09, 2006

What I Learned In My Feature Writing Class To-Day

We were discussing place and structure. How every story's got to have one. The teacher was using the example of BrokeBack Mountain.

"The story of those two had to take place in the south in the 60s. It wouldn't be so hard in San Fransico. You need to have a location: you can't have them in space."

Gay cowyboys in space. That would be an awesome movie.

Especially if they were lesbians. Lesbian cowgirls in space, fighting wrongs and loving right.

Add "space" and "lesbians" to any movie to practically any movie, you'll get a better movie. Except Citizen Kane or Schindler's List or a dramatic movie. Basically, any fun movie can have more fun if it's in space and has lesbians.

Which is why I'm going to be writing about lesbian cowgirls in space.


Blogger Benoît Beauvais said...


They weren't cowboys, they were shepherds.

12:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Camel herders for life!

5:37 PM  

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