Thursday, January 13, 2005

If I Can Be So Eloquent...

Before we begin, I would just like to say that, on a purely intellectual level, I hate myself for publishing this article. Whenever an author/comedy makes a "rant", they are allowed to say whatever they want, and get all ca-razy, when their points could have just as easily been made in a well-thought out way. But on a purely emotional level, and as a catharatic release, this article makes me feel good.

That said, on to my rant.

Recently, I got an announcement for a seminar about the relationship between journalists and the police. As a studying journalist myself, I have a thought about this.

Fuck the police.

We believe, and strive for two very different things. The police should ultimatley strive for justice. Journalists strive for truth. The police fail when they beat up a black suspect for being black and try to quell (or should that be cull?) a peaceful demonstration with rubber bullets. We fail when we talk about Jennifer Aniston and Brad Pitt.

These are two very different things. Ultimately, we both fail. The police beating up someone is 50-50 grey. Maybe he's evil, maybe he's not. But saying, "The police beat up someone" is always right.

We are in a permanently antagonistic relationship. We want different things, and journalists should get what they want.

We watch the watchmen. We give them accountability. If they aren't accountable, then they are bullies.

They don't get to watch us. We aren't accountable to them; they are accountable to us.

The Truth (capitalized) is what makes us accountable. If we aren't telling the truth, finding the truth people hide, then someone should say something.

Another journalist. The public. Monkeys. Someone.



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