On Fuck
I had a weird moment back when I was writing the Fuck article. I decided to spare your humble fingers, dear lonely Internet viewers, and make my legion arsenal of F-bombs all on one line. By going back and forth with Return. I said, "Fuck that" to moving all those fucks, so then I fucking deleted it. And then the weirdest thing happened. I thought I mispelled that word. Completely mispelling. I thought the C shouldn't be there. It became a hieroglyphic, something that shouldn't exist in the English language. I began analyzing it, and it looked like a reverse arch. Greco-Roman vulgarity. Jupiter writing a dirty word on the toilet walls of creation. Has any one else ever gotten that feeling? That the word itself is like a picture? Which it really is, really - at the risk of sounding like that most dangerous of all things, the marijuana junkie, all letters are just simplified hieroglyphics. And then my brain realized it. Or were my language centers melted by the radiation that this monitor was emitting? "Low Radiation", "Mild Cigarettes" "Drano Lite" - all those lovely paradoxes meant to make sure that we know it could kill us, but it probably won't. Skiing naked, but only on the bunny hill.
I have gone mad. Will come back in an hour.
Don't get arrested for public indecency.
Non prendere arrestato per l'indecency pubblico.
I have gone mad. Will come back in an hour.
Don't get arrested for public indecency.
Non prendere arrestato per l'indecency pubblico.
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