Monday, August 07, 2006

You Know You're A Nerd When...

Like Jeff Foxworthy's redneck schtick, I'm composing a list of nerdy things, specific instances where you know that you're a nerd. Not a fake nerd, not a cool guy saying, "Oh, I'm not so cool," in a faux attempt to be humble, but true, honest to God, nerd-dom. If you don't know the references I'm making, congratulations. You're not a nerd.

Let's begin.

- Video games get to you emotionally.
- Bonus Point - You cried at the death of Aeris.
- You ever wondered who would win in a fight.
- Bonus Point You ever wondered who would win in a fight, Galactus or Unicron, and you write up fight statistics, and you argue on message boards.
- You say "That's not right! He would NEVER DO THAT!" in any reference to something in fiction.
- Bonus Point - You write an angry letter to the company, with a lot of swear words and explicit references to the issue.
- You write a fanfic sequel to a video game.
- Bonus Point - You write an erotic fanfic sequel to a board game.
- You play role playing card games (Dungeons and Dragons, and the like.)
- Bonus Point: You dress up, have all the cards, all the decks, and sometimes you're the Dungeon Master. And you play with ten-year-old kids.
- You play video games too much.
- Bonus Point: You play a Japanese RPG with no English text and you play it on your modded PlayStation 2.
- You jerk off too much.
- Bonus Point: You jerk off to Sailor Moon.
- Extra Bonus Point: You jerk off to hentai of Sailor Moon.
- Extra Special Bonus Point: You dress up like Sailor Moon, and jerk off whilst dressed as Sailor Moon while singing the Sailor Moon theme song.
- You're a furry.
- Bonus Point: You're a goddamn furry. Go into a pile of garbage and drown, so that we don't even have to deal with disposing of your body.
- You're Doomed Point: You write erotic furry fanfic of a Japanese RPG based on who you think would win in a fight and which deals with all the logical inconsitencies in the show, while dressed up as the preteen girl from that Japanese RPG and you're jerking off while doing it.


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