Sunday, August 06, 2006

Things I Saw This One Guy Wear

I saw this guy at work. I don't know his name, I don't know his family, I don't know his likes/dislikes, I don't know whether or not he worships the prophet Muhammed (p.b.u.h.) But I do know that he's stupid.

How do I know this? Because of what he wore this one day.

Like a Confederate flag t-shirt with sweat pants, or 500 dollar pants, fashion choices say something about you. Personally, if you combined a Confederate flag with 500 dollar pants, I'm not quite sure what statement you'd be making. Probably an interesting one.

This guy had one a pink polo shirt and military fatigue style sweatpants.

Seriously, what kind of mixed message are you sending there?

"I'm tough, I wear military fatigues, I'm a commando - but I'm also slightly andrognyous, pink shirt wearing guy, who's in touch with his girly side."

So yeah, don't wear that. Or I'll punch you. Like I imagined doing to that guy. For serious.


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