Wednesday, April 19, 2006

If Guys Ran Weddings...

Now, here's what I'm thinking would happen.

Basically, it'd just be a sheet of paper, available at any government or church building, depending on how far we wanted to take it. Both parties would sign it, with the text above saying, "You can fuck her good and proper," or something to that effect. You'd be able to get a smoothie afterwards, or you'd be signed up in some kind of lottery.

After that, you'd go home, undress, and "cross the major threshold," and that would be it.

Or you could do it online, with a piece of government I.D.

Here's how the propsal would go:

Guy: "Hey, baby, wanna get married?"
Gal: "Sure, okay."
Guy: "Okay, cool, we'll do it on the way home, then pick up some Slurpees and cross the major threshold."

And that would be it.


Blogger Benoît Beauvais said...

That was a horrible euphemism the first time around.

8:15 PM  

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