Tuesday, February 08, 2005

My Cereal Epic

Every day, I have cereal. Special K. But not by choice.

I would prefer to have Vector, a high-impact sports nutritional supplement "x-treme" cereal. Tastes better.

Now, the cereal containers at my cafeteria never bothered to refill the Vector container. They just kept the Special K container.

The thoughts in my head grew quasi-revolutionary with every forced bowl of Special K. "Why don't you complain to someone? You CAN make a difference! If you'll only complain about it, something will be done! Be more assertive!" etc.

But another side said, "Ferget it. You'll look stooh-pid." So I said nothing.

Anyway, months later, they replaced it with this on-the-go cereal crap. Unfortunately, you have to pay extra for the milk now. Before, you did not.

There is no Vector cereal among the new choices.


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