Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Morality is Relative

So I'm watching "The Critic." The Critic is an animated sitcom by the creators of the Simpsons from 1994, right around when the show was at its peak. I'd recommend that you watch it. The first season was better, however. They introduced an annoying love interest in the second one to make Jay Sherman, as voiced by Jon Lovitz, more loveable.

Now, in the second season, Jay Sherman is recounting his time in the Middle East - Baghdad, during the first Gulf War. In a film parody of Green Acres, the women are all portrayed in burqas. Nothing is mentioned of it.

Now, we all know that those are horribly demeaning, making women feel invisible, and a symbol of male oppression - it was, perhaps, one of the reasons why Afghanistan was the "good war."

That, and bin Laden vengeance.

Why did the U.S. start to care about tyranny in the middle east?

Just a thought.

Osama bin Laden, I love you not.
Osama bin Laden, je tu n'aime pas.


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