Thursday, March 10, 2005

Wrestlers: A Lesson In Tragedy

Had an interesting conversation about wrestlers. We had a talk about wrestlers like Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair...guys who're pushing 60, and yet continue to wrestle. Why?

Well, let's look at some guys who left wrestling.

"Stone Cold" Steve Austin: A character who portrayed a beer guzzling redneck as a wrestler, he's suffering a James Dean fate - where the character and the man become intertwined, and the fates befalling the man are the real life fate that would surely befall the character.

I write this with my head firmly in my ass.

Anyway, the "redneck wrapped in an enigma," as describes him, recently separated from his soft core porn girlfriend, Tess Broussard. "He says she pointed a gun at his head, threw steaks at him during a midnight barbecue, verbally and physically abused him, and in the summer of 2004, he claims she stabbed his business manager with a steak knife." He left after suffering from a neck injury that prevented him from properly wrestling. He's trying to become an actor.

Joannie "Chyna" Laurer: At one time the first ever women's winner of the Intercontinental Title, she left the WWF, tried to kill herself, was often publicly drunk, and starred in an abysmal hardcore porn movie entitled "1 Night In China."

Bret Hart: Was robbed of his title on his last night out. Is currently no where.

Andre the Giant: Died 47. Heart attack, after years of back problems.

Mr. Perfect: Fired for starting a fight with The Big Show (7 foot) drunkenly. Killed himself a week later.

Lex Luger: Kicked out for steroid use. He's in porn now: Spanking Master 2. I think. It could be another actor named Lex Luger, possibly. But as we've seen here, most guys don't have nice endings.

Goldberg: Currently starring in "Santa's Slay" - evil Santa movie. Classy.


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